Cheshire Police | Safer Streets

Safer streets with Cheshire Police as we stand with women, not against them

As part of their Safer Streets initiative, Cheshire Police ran a competitive RFP which to our delight, we won based on two key ideas. 

In the first ‘Stand with Women (not against them)’, we see a man approach a woman as she is leaving the gym and walking back to her car. He seems friendly at first but rapidly loses his cool, becoming nasty and aggressive when she spurns his unwelcome advances. At this point, when the woman turned to confront the aggressor, his family stepped in to question his behaviour. Research showed that perpetrators are more likely to consider their actions if they believe it would shame their own families.

In the second we watch as a woman walks home, seeing her feelings of apprehension, anxiety and then fear, grow as she starts to believe that she’s being followed whilst walking home. The fact that she isn’t doesn’t detract from the fact that for women, there is often an ever-present worry while walking alone. This film invites men to recognise that there can be Fear in Every journey and encourages men to be mindful of that and help adapt their behaviour so that it feels less intimidating or threatening.

Because we were filming in summer for a campaign which was largely due to air over the Autumn and winter months, it was important to set the films at appropriate times of the day. The choice of a car park setting for the first film allowed us to film during the day but to keep it relatively timeless, whilst the setting of a park for the second film is a relatable location where it’s possible to feel uneasy at any time of day.

With strong performances from our locally chosen cast and great directing and lighting from long-term collaborator Johnny Carr, we are very proud of these films. The feedback from Cheshire Police acknowledged the strength and impact of the films.

“Rhiannon was really organised with the timelines, and the documents were really thorough, particularly the briefs etc for the day of filming. Andrew was really happy for us to be involved every step of the way and be hands-on with helping to go through the cast, directors etc. All was a really valuable experience for us as a client. “

— Donna Hesketh, Senior Marketing and Campaigns Officer, Cheshire Police

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